Here is a photo the Lovely Mona took yesterday at the Cathedral when I read the Gospel. That hand was moving fast! The other photo is of me leading the singing on Wednesday night at San Pablo for the Healing and Revival service (that's for Grandmère Mimi, who likes that singin' and swayin'!)
Tomorrow is the business day, starting at 8:00 a.m. There won't be any exciting photos from that session, but Sunday is the Eucharist at the Cathedral, and that should produce some great shots!
It's really good to see photos of San Lucas. I visited there in 1987 and must say it looks pretty much the same. During that visit (my only one to Panamá, though I would love to return to get some molas and those wonderful Cuña bead bracelets that are just a long string you wrap around your arm), I also went to San Isidro, Monte Claro (lleno de lodo and pre-church building days). Mighty hot and humid in your neck of the woods, even in August!
Awww. Thank you, Padre Mickey. So you have mystical hands. What a gift!
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